An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh’s Delighted Sponsors

Dear ‘Delighted’ Rush Limbaugh Sponsor,

Thank you for making me aware of your apparent position on hate speech.

Your continued support of Rush Limbaugh after his brutal, demeaning, degrading and slanderous attack on private citizen, Sandra Fluke, seems to exhibit a lack of moral and ethical courage on your part.

The longer you attempt to ignore and minimize this event – the more connections I make on the internet through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, social action groups, etc..

The longer you attempt to ignore me; the more local groups I become involved with.

I am making new connections with like-minded people everyday. I am learning many new ways to become productive when engaged in the social outcry against Rush Limbaugh’s hate speech. Plus, I am teaching what I have learned to others.

While you continue to ignore the depth and breadth of this situation, I will continue to make new connections, become more active, and make new friends.

Rush Limbaugh’s hate-filled tirade will be the defining moment in his career.

Do you want Rush’s words to define the ethics of your company?


A woman who does not forgive Rush Limbaugh

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